"Woman" is an engaging and insightful coming-of-age novel that explores the complexities of family duty, cultural expectations, and personal growth. The protagonist, Maddie, known to her Ghanaian family as Maame, is a reliable and responsible young woman who works full-time while caring for her father who suffers from Parkinson's disease. Her older brother is indifferent to their father's condition, and her mother is living in Ghana, leaving Maddie to shoulder the expectations and burdens of her family without complaint.
The story takes a turn when Maddie loses her job and tragedy strikes, forcing her to reassess her responsibilities and question the limits of family duty. Through Maddie's awkward steps towards adulthood, George illustrates the casual racism that Black women face in the workplace and the cultural barriers that can hinder one's understanding and treatment of depression.
George has crafted an unforgettable character in Maddie, who is both funny and relatable. Her journey toward personal emancipation is a real delight to witness, and the author's light but firm touch highlights the messy stew of responsibility, love, and sex that comes with growing up.
Overall, "Woman" is a fresh and poignant take on the coming-of-age novel that offers insight and compassion on the challenges of personal growth and cultural expectations.
Buy Now: "Maame" by Jessica George at Amazon
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